Monday, August 15, 2011


Yes, I tend to go on rants about the same things, but I'm so angry right now I can hardly see straight.  And it all comes down to ungratefulness and selfishness.  I had a "friend" from work that had a beautiful baby boy last week.  Her entire pregnancy was wonderful.  She was not sick one time, she did not have heartburn, she started swelling two weeks before the baby was born, and yet she complained every single day.  She was tired.  She was mad that she couldn't drink alcohol.  That's it.  And she complained incessantly about it.  She did not even seem excited when she told me she was pregnant.  She said she was, but nothing in her actions said "Yea! I'm so excited that I can give birth to this little person who will love me forever!  I've waited for this my entire life!"  Her man was excited (I say "man" because I don't know what to call him....ex-husband, live-in, ???) , however she was not.
When we went to see her at the hospital, she did not talk once about the baby, she only griped because she had to have a c-section and it was a "horrible experience".  When offered the baby, she told us to "put him in his box".  Her husband bragged continuously about him, my husband even held him...a newborn.  We cooed over him and rocked him, while she watched tv.  The day they went home, she sent me a text that said "We are home, all is good, or as good as it can be".  Seriously?!?!  You should be on cloud 9 that your baby is healthy and gets to go home 2 days after he is born!
I would have given my left arm to have a c-section and have a beautiful, healthy baby.  I'm just so confused about how someone can not be happy at all about such a miraculous thing.  I know some people just don't want children, period.  But once you see that child, how can you not be thrilled?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Moore update

I go through spells when I feel more creative and expressive, and I guess I've been doing that lately.  I've also had a TON of energy, for some reason.  I'm gonna say it's because I finally started taking vitamins regularly.  Anyway, I've been busy with crazy stuff and not writing so here's a quick update.
I've been working around the house lately.  I finally got our "junk room" cleaned out.  Now I'm just waiting on the hubby to finish the floor in there that he started about 2 years ago. :-)  I also got the other bedroom cleaned out.  After having two different boarders in there over the last couple of years, it had gotten pretty cluttered.  I also cleaned out the laundry room and two closets (besides the closets in the other two mentioned rooms).  And, for the record, I do not like to clean at all.  Hate it.  But I like feeling accomplished.
Keith's back has been bothering him a lot again, and I hate it.  I can't do anything for him except pump him full of muscle relaxers.  And since he can't get approved for insurance, that's all we can afford to do right now.  I, however, DO have insurance now!  It's so nice to have insurance after being without for three or four years.  And I have been using it to my advantage too.  More on that later, though.
Keith & I have also been tremendously busy on the weekends.  We go to the Little Red River a lot in the summers since his parents have a house there, but Keith has also been preaching a little for a congregation nearby.  We like it a lot there, and I guess they like us too.  He preaches about once a month, and we visit there more often than that, as a good friend of ours has been preaching there also.
This past weekend we had our annual Moore family weekend.  We had a blast, as usual!  I'm so blessed to not only have an amazing biological family, but to have such great in-laws too!  And, for the record, I also have amazing friends that I consider to be family.
Well, that about sums it up for now.  Maybe next time I'll have something bigger and better to write about....