Sunday, January 11, 2009


I bet I got your attention with that title, huh? I don't mean the whole monkey into man thing, I mean the other evolution...the kind that just means "change". I've been thinking more and more about it lately. There are certain people in my life that I have a particular mental image of. When I think about Steven Guerrero, I have an image of him as I looked out the window of a bus as we were pulling up in front of the Rincon church building about 6 years ago. I always picture my dad laid back in his recliner at our old house, asleep with the tv on. I think about Scott Roderick wearing overalls at camp riding on a 4-wheeler.
But these people (as well as many more I can think of) have changed over the years and that picture in my head has to evolve also. Steven is older now and I haven't been to the Rincon church building in years. My parents have a new house and my dad doesn't usually sleep in his recliner anymore. And I haven't seen Scott with overalls on in almost a year! But why do I still think of them in that way? Am I more comfortable with the old images? No, not really. That's just what my mind goes back to when their names are brought up.
And I'm sure other people think of me in the same way. Some may see me as the tiny 12 year old with hair bigger than her whole body. Some probably remember me as the church secretary in my tailored dress suit. Others may remember me as a flirting college student (it's true...I flirted a little). Even though all of those were me at one time, they aren't me now. In fact, what I was like 6 months ago, isn't what I am now because I have evolved as a person. It doesn't make me wishy-washy or anything else, because changing is good for human nature.
Why are people afraid of change? I guess it's just fear of the unknown. I revel in the thought of change. If I get too comfortable with someone or something, I get lazy. It takes evolving to keep my mind fresh. And even though looking back on what once was makes me sad and nostalgic, I know that it was all changed by Him with a purpose, even if we cannot comprehend it.

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