Sunday, January 18, 2009


Did you ever just drive and drive and never seem to find where you're going? You always pass the same rock or building two or three times before you realize it, too. That's how I feel right now. I feel like I've been driving around the same block for weeks and I keep passing the same 'ol stuff. And I'm just now noticing it. I keep trying to get to that one place but I just can't seem to find my way. In my mind, I know the way...if I just take a left here and a right there, I'll be there. But every time I take the turn, there's a detour that throws me off track. And I end up right where I started, trying to follow my directions. Why are there so many detours? Why can't I just get in car and drive until I get there? It seems impossible. I've been pretty optimistic about it until the last couple of days when the detours are innumerable. I think every rock and tree and roof have fallen in my way and now all my tires are flat! I'm confused and discouraged and even though I know what should help, I can't see the results of it yet. I'm ready to abandon my car and just start walking even though I know that won't help either.

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