Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things I remember...again

I did one of these blogs a few months ago and ever since I've been thinking of things I left out that are important. Some are sad and some are happy, but all are very vivid in my mind. Enjoy...

1. Singing badly to old songs all night with my boyfriend (now husband) when we first started dating and knowing that I had just released all of the inhibitions I had
2. Seeing my Ya-ya in the hospital, knowing that it was the last time I would see her alive
3. Playing Sardines in the mall in New Hampshire
4. Watching my Pearl dog "chasing" planes out of our back yard
5. Taking 2 hour lunches with Jalynn to go eat in LR and go shopping
6. Slapping a girl when I was in the 6th grade
7. Playing with Barbies and GI Joe at my Maw-maw's house with my cousin
8. My Pop teaching me how to drive when I had no interest in it
9. Pop & Ya-ya's chicken houses
10. Riding the 3-wheeler with my friend Justin when we were kids
11. Laying on the beach on Grand Turk island
12. Cutting Allyson's hair and my instructor "fixing it" by completely chopping it off
13. My aunt trying to make me learn tree and flower names
14. My dad getting my birthday confused one year and giving me my present a whole month early
15. Moore family vacations...
That's all for today. I'm pooped after a long day. More to come...

1 comment:

  1. LOL, that has to be the most eventful haircut of my life. It was shocking, but really cute! I knew we were gonna stay good friends the next morning. when I started to cry the next morning b/c the huge round hair brush I had needed for my long hair no longer would even work in my hair because it was so short you jumped and fixed my hair for me :) That's a good friend! <3 ya girl!
