Well, I'm back after my absence from Blogger for a while. The last few weeks have been interesting. So a few quick updates before I continue on with my thought of the day. We made it through my dad's 60th birthday bash. We had a great time and I made it through singing in front of about 30 people without having a nervous breakdown. The dentist I work with (we'll call him "Shaner") played guitar & I sang and apparently, we did quite well together. We had too much food, which was great because I thought we would run out. Dad's cake was awesome! And I think everyone had an amazing time. I'll post pics when I get them from Dad's camera.
I finished my Christmas shopping today...I think. As long as Keith finishes up the few items he is supposed to buy, that is. We've already had one Christmas, so we have three more to go.
On to other things... I have been more depressed/upset/hurt/weepy/irritated than usual for a few weeks now about the whole baby thing. And then last week my friend from work (we'll call her PIC), announces to me that she is pregnant...after trying for one month. And it completely broke me. I cried and bawled for several days. In fact, I felt terrible for not being more excited for her, so I had to write her a card telling her that I was not upset that she was pregnant, I was upset because I was not. I'm actually happy that she is having a little one! She is going to be an amazing mama! But anyway, that triggered a crazy response in me and I had to dry my eyes more than once yesterday at our family Christmas because I kept watching our cousin's baby. So I've been feeling like I've been left out. And that I can't do anything about it.
And then today my phone rang. It was a friend of mine that I used to work with, who I haven't talked to in several months. (We'll call her May) May tells me that she is having a baby. Now this would usually get the same response that every other pregnancy does for me. But this time, I was actually excited. May has been trying for ten years and has suffered multiple miscarriages and has been through artificial insemination without any luck. And now she is almost seven months pregnant after doing in-vitro fertilization. I'm am so incredibly thrilled for her & husband! She goes on to tell me how it all worked and what clinic they used and how their insurance had paid for 100% of their procedure costs. And then she says, "I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad, I'm telling you this to give you hope. Because if this can happen for us, it can happen for you too."
Wow. I'm still a little floored. It can! It can happen for Keith & me, just like it did for them! It may mean some heartache now, but I believe that it will happen. I've always known that we will have children, but you begin to doubt when it doesn't happen time and time again. I actually feel like I do have some hope now. When we stopped working together, I didn't know if May & I would keep in touch or not. And we fell out of touch until today. But now I know that we were meant to be close because I need that encouragement. I need the hope! But no one was ever able to give it to me until now. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
There are a lot of things that I need to get off my chest and writing helps me do that. What will I say next?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Just wondering.....
Have you ever noticed that the lips from Rocky Horror look like the lips from the Dairy Queen commercial? Kinda creepy...
That's all. :-)
Monday, October 25, 2010
I haven't posted in a few weeks because I've been tremendously busy. I've been working on my dad's 60th birthday party. We are having it at their local fire department, because we can use it for free and it's big enough to lay everything out. I ordered invitations today from www.vistaprint.com. I'm trying to decide on a cake design now. I want it to look like his 1947 Ford truck, and that's presenting a problem. I don't have a ton of money to spend on it so I'm trying to figure out my options for the design. I'm going to a local bakery tomorrow to see what ideas they have. Ed's Bakery has the most amazing cakes & cookies so I know they will come up with something awesome!
At the party, we are having people bring acoustic instruments so we can sit around and play and sing after we all eat. It's something Dad has wanted to do for a while, so we thought we could incorporate that into his birthday celebration. I think I am going to also buy a photo book (the kind you write in) and have everyone sign it as a guest book. Then we can put photos of the party in it & give it to Dad. For food, we are going to just do appetizers. We will have veggie & fruit trays, deli trays, chips, dips, and maybe a few more things. And, of course, the cake. We are also working on a photo slideshow to play throughout the party.
We wanted to do a more elaborate party, complete with a diner-style ice cream bar, but money would not allow it this time around. I'm sure it will still be a fun, memorable party.
So that's what I've been up to! More updates to come...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Well, the hubby & I just got back from Missouri a few hours ago. One of his cousins is in chiropractic school there so it seemed like a good place to go on a weekend vacation with the little bit of money we had saved up. Here are the pros & cons of the road trip.
1. We got to see Josh & Shea
2. The St. Louis zoo is amazing!
3. A little alone time with the hubby is good
4. I got to relax and read some magazines
5. Our hotel room had a jacuzzi tub
1. Six hours in the car is enough for anyone
2. Somehow I miraculously hurt my foot while walking around the zoo on Saturday. (I always seem to hurt myself in the most random ways)
3. The air conditioner in my car started blowing warm air about halfway to St. Louis, leaving us to drive way too many hours in a hot car
4. Vacation laundry!
I guess that's about it for the vacation update. All-in-all, we had a good trip. It was just a little bit warmer than we had anticipated.
Monday, September 13, 2010
I'll start this post off by saying that I am not sad! Today I made a visit to my friend who had her first baby last weekend. He is a precious little thing and I know God has great things planned for him. This is just another one of our friends to have a baby before us.
It used to make me really upset and I would cry for days when I found out that another person would be a mother before me. And, don't get me wrong, sometimes I still get upset. But now it's different. I think a not-so-selfish side of me has come out. I've never been one of those people that got mad if you got something before me, and I don't turn my back on my preggo friends. But after trying for over 6 years, it's a little aggravating when person after person after person has a baby while we are just sitting here.
I can see now though that God has a different plan for us and that's okay. We still want to be parents very badly but I'm okay with us being the "aunt & uncle" for now. Keith & I both enjoy playing with our friends' kids and getting them little presents for no reason. That is something we may or may not be able to do if we had children of our own right now. And we do truly love our "nieces & nephews".
So if we haven't told you lately, we are so proud that all of you have become parents before us! You are amazing parents and we can't wait to learn from you!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Nice weekend again
Last weekend we had a great weekend on the river with our best friends. We spent it at my in-laws' little one bedroom cabin. Its a great little getaway, just to cook out and visit.
This weekend the hubby & I spent it at my in-laws' bigger four bedroom cabin on the other side of the river with our young adults' class from church...and a few strays too. Keith & a few other went fishing today and the rest of us just hung out. Last night we had some good food, courtesy of the hubby and his should-have-been-brother. We also had some great music from some of our strays. They are some very talented brothers & I expect to hear them on the radio someday.
Also on the music note (ha ha...I'm so funny), the hubby's cousin & I got to sing together a little. It's something we try to do but don't have much time for. He's an amazing singer & I love singing with him. He's always been like a brother to me, so it's a lot of fun. And we actually don't sound terrible together.
This time of year is a great time up at the river, so we spend a lot of time up there. We're skipping next weekend though so we can go up to St. Louis and visit another cousin & his wife. Yay for another great weekend!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Things I remember...again
I did one of these blogs a few months ago and ever since I've been thinking of things I left out that are important. Some are sad and some are happy, but all are very vivid in my mind. Enjoy...
1. Singing badly to old songs all night with my boyfriend (now husband) when we first started dating and knowing that I had just released all of the inhibitions I had
2. Seeing my Ya-ya in the hospital, knowing that it was the last time I would see her alive
3. Playing Sardines in the mall in New Hampshire
4. Watching my Pearl dog "chasing" planes out of our back yard
5. Taking 2 hour lunches with Jalynn to go eat in LR and go shopping
6. Slapping a girl when I was in the 6th grade
7. Playing with Barbies and GI Joe at my Maw-maw's house with my cousin
8. My Pop teaching me how to drive when I had no interest in it
9. Pop & Ya-ya's chicken houses
10. Riding the 3-wheeler with my friend Justin when we were kids
11. Laying on the beach on Grand Turk island
12. Cutting Allyson's hair and my instructor "fixing it" by completely chopping it off
13. My aunt trying to make me learn tree and flower names
14. My dad getting my birthday confused one year and giving me my present a whole month early
15. Moore family vacations...
That's all for today. I'm pooped after a long day. More to come...
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Revelation of the Day
I was researching some stuff today for the adoption process that we have been looking into and slowing creeping toward and found something interesting. I found a website for adoption funding (www.cafaadopt.org) that had some great stuff on it. I found an article called "Should Christians Fund Adoptions?" Now I didn't read it because I wanted someone to fund my adoption (would be nice...) but it caught my attention. Here's a little of what I found there.
God speaks of taking care of orphans and widows throughout the Old Testament.
Psalm 10:14 - God is the helper of the orphans
Psalm 10:18 - God will vindicate the orphan and oppressed
Deuteronomy 27:19 - "Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the fatherless"
Then the author, B. Alan Keener, goes on to bring up a New Testament verse, just to show that the command continues throughout the new law. James 1:27 says, "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God our Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world." I have heard this verse used countless times to show that we should take care of our widows. I have heard it used a couple of times by the sponsors from the Children's Home. But I have never really looked at that verse as it being a direct command to care for orphans, as well as widows. My husband and his friend have talked about this verse a lot in the last few months and I still never thought about it like that. I think maybe God was trying to get me to see that all along.
I have always wanted to adopt, because my mother is adopted, and I love the idea of helping someone by showing them a loving, God-fearing home, when they may never get that otherwise. But now I feel more compelled than ever to do so. I feel that we should get our butts in gear and get this going. We have questions about finances because it is incredibly expensive. But I know that the money will find its way somehow, as long as we focus on what's important.
God speaks of taking care of orphans and widows throughout the Old Testament.
Psalm 10:14 - God is the helper of the orphans
Psalm 10:18 - God will vindicate the orphan and oppressed
Deuteronomy 27:19 - "Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the fatherless"
Then the author, B. Alan Keener, goes on to bring up a New Testament verse, just to show that the command continues throughout the new law. James 1:27 says, "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God our Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world." I have heard this verse used countless times to show that we should take care of our widows. I have heard it used a couple of times by the sponsors from the Children's Home. But I have never really looked at that verse as it being a direct command to care for orphans, as well as widows. My husband and his friend have talked about this verse a lot in the last few months and I still never thought about it like that. I think maybe God was trying to get me to see that all along.
I have always wanted to adopt, because my mother is adopted, and I love the idea of helping someone by showing them a loving, God-fearing home, when they may never get that otherwise. But now I feel more compelled than ever to do so. I feel that we should get our butts in gear and get this going. We have questions about finances because it is incredibly expensive. But I know that the money will find its way somehow, as long as we focus on what's important.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Today has been a crazy day full of bad news. A lot of people I love are hurting very badly today. In twelve hours, I heard about 5 deaths in this immediate area. Five. There was a very bad helicopter crash last night of the Air Evac team in this area. My friend's grandpa passed away yesterday. And my friend's son committed suicide. So many people are hurting and sad and it hurts me that I have no idea what to do.
I've been surrounded by death since I was young. I grew up with older grandparents in a community full of older people. The first death I remember was when I was four. I think I started going to funerals before that. I have no clue how many funerals and visitations I've been to in my thirty years. I know that when someone dies, the best thing you can do for them is be there. You can take food and paper goods to make the time easier on them. You can take them flowers to make their house appear cheery. But you can do nothing to take the pain away. I've done these things for a long time. But what do you do when someone commits suicide? I'm not sure that there is anything you can do to make that time easier. I'm completely at a loss.
But I'm taking this time to do some reflecting on my own life. That may sound selfish but I'm trying to be better. I know now that I've been through all the funerals and death so that I can help other people. Maybe that's what God's purpose has been for me all along. I don't believe God only has one purpose for us, but maybe that's a big part of mine. I always feel obligated to do something when someone dies, whether I knew them well or not. Maybe that's the Holy Spirit guiding me into my purpose.
So now I have to figure out my purpose in this time. I'm praying that God will guide me toward what I'm supposed to do right now and that He will be a comfort and strength to so many people that are in pain.
Monday, August 30, 2010
I love Lucy!
I was watching "I Love Lucy" this morning & decided to look up Lucille Ball (for the millionth time) on www.imdb.com, my favorite website. Which also led to several of my other favorite redheads. Here's some of my favorite redhead quotes.
Lucille Ball
"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age."
"I'm not funny. What am I is brave."
"Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead."
"A man who correctly guesses a woman's age may be smart, but he's not very bright."
Bette Midler
"I try not to drink too much, because when I'm drunk, I bite."
"If somebody makes me laugh, I'm his slave for life."
Carol Burnett
"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me."
Sophia Loren
"A woman's dress should be like a barbed wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view."
Julia Roberts
"I'm too tall to be a girl, I never had enough dresses to be a lady, I wouldn't call myself a woman. I'd say I'm somewhere between a chick and a broad."
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Out last night...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Lyrics = Life
I'm a music freak. I love almost every genre of music. It is an art form that many take for granted. I love listening to music but I also love the poetry of it. Here's a few I've been thinking about this week.
Sugarland has a song on their Love on the Inside album called Take Me As I Am. Here's my favorite part: "I know these corners, I know these streets. Curbside prophets, they're yelling at me. He can save my soul for a drink and a dollar. Yea, they're yelling about my tattoos but we all live with the scars we chose. They might hurt like hell but they all make us stronger."
Miranda Lambert's new single, Only Prettier, starts out like this: "Well I've been saved by the grace of southern charm. I got a mouth like a sailor and yours is more like a hallmark card. If you wanna pick a fight, I'm gonna have to say good night. I don't have to be hateful, I can just say bless your heart."
From one of my all-time favorites, James Taylor, Fire and Rain: "I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. But I always thought that I'd see you again."
Gotta love Your Song, Elton John: "And you can tell everybody that this is your song. It might be quite simple but now that it's done. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words how wonderful life is when you're in the world."
And let's close out this blog with my favorite diva, Bette Midler. You gotta have Friends!
"Oh you got to have friends, the feeling's oh so strong. You got to have friends to make that day last long. Had some friends but they're gone, something came and took them away. And from the dusk to the dawn, here's where I will stay. Standin' at the end of the road, boys, waiting on my new friends to come, I don't care if I'm hungry or cold, I gotta get me some of the them."
Limo rides and cruises
I drive 45 minutes to work. Not through a city with tons of gruelling traffic but from the country through a city, past several rural "towns", to a small town to work in my office. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for driving so far when I could get a job 15 minutes from my house. This is why I drive.

This is my office family, minus one. (She's on maternity leave, one of my oldest friends, and consequently the reason I work with these people) And, yes, you aren't seeing things...we are standing in front of a limo. My boss is a super nice guy who feels the need to do nice things for us. I think he may be insane, but it works out well for us so we don't complain. At the beginning of this week, my boss, Dr. E, decided to close the office Thursday afternoon and take us to the movies and to dinner. So we cancelled our patients and were surprised by a limo picking us up. He footed the bill for the entire excursion.
For the last two years (the year before I started and this past year) at Christmas, he gave his entire staff a cruise. This is one of the reasons I wanted a job here so bad before I started. Fortunately, I got it and got to join them on the cruise this year.
For some people it would be torture to be sentenced to spend time with their coworkers outside of work, but not me. I love the people I work with. We get on each other's nerves occasionally but we can all look past those times. We have great professional relationships and great personal relationships.
I still can't believe that I'm able to work with such great people and that I am get rewards for working hard. I've never worked anywhere that the boss did anything more than buying us lunch on our birthday, if we were lucky enough to get that. Don't get me wrong, I've worked for some very nice, benevolent people but they weren't that gracious with their employees. But now I have that and it's amazing! Just another one of God's blessings on me....
Monday, August 16, 2010
The fruits of my labor
I think I'm going crazy. Well, my husband thinks so anyway. Here's some pictures of what I have done in the last week and a half. I wish I had taken "before" pictures.
Last weekend was when we scrubbed the house and then I cleaned out the laundry room.

Saturday, the pantry closet was calling. So I pulled out all our crap and cleaned the shelves and threw away junk and rearranged.

And today I've been working on our closet. I've gone through all of my clothes and pulled out everything I can't wear so I can consign it. Not gonna mess with my hubby's stuff though...he may kill me. These are the hangers of everything I can't wear anymore.

So that's what I've been up to. Back to work tomorrow....
Last weekend was when we scrubbed the house and then I cleaned out the laundry room.
Saturday, the pantry closet was calling. So I pulled out all our crap and cleaned the shelves and threw away junk and rearranged.
And today I've been working on our closet. I've gone through all of my clothes and pulled out everything I can't wear so I can consign it. Not gonna mess with my hubby's stuff though...he may kill me. These are the hangers of everything I can't wear anymore.
So that's what I've been up to. Back to work tomorrow....
Monday, August 9, 2010
I hate to clean. With an intense passion. I HATE CLEANING. However, I feel very accomplished today. Last night we had a big cookout/planning meeting for our Young Adults' Class from church so we had to get the house in order. So Saturday, my hubby, our housemate, and I started cleaning. We started with the kitchen, bathrooms, and living room. Sunday we continued in the kitchen and did all the floors. We also prepared all the food for the cookout. This morning I got up and cleaned...no wait, I scrubbed our laundry room. I got rid of a bunch of crap we had sitting around in there, threw away some old clothes, and cleaned the floor. It looks like a whole new room. You can walk in there and jump in a circle and not step on anything nasty. You can actually stand to fold the clothes in the laundry room. So I continued my cleaning spree with catching up ALL of the laundry. I also did the dishes from last night and picked up our bedroom. Whew! I'm exhausted. I need another day off before I go back to work tomorrow. But I'm so glad I had today off work!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Mandy & Julie & Julia
I've heard some mixed reviews about the movie Julie & Julia but I had to see it for myself. And I am so glad that I did. I have to begin by saying that I have a great respect for Meryl Streep, as any God-fearing, movie-loving American should. She's amazing in every thing she does. And I honestly did not know much about Julia Child until I watched this movie. As I did, I knew that I was one of the many people that this movie was specifically made for. I had no idea that I had anything in common with that lady and that I would grow to love her so much within 2 hours.
It was perfect timing for me to see that movie. Anyone that knows me know that I am a major foodie. I look forward to each meal and only cease to eat when I am entirely stuffed and cannot move. The only thing I think about when I'm planning to meet friends is what we will eat. And not just the dessert, like most women, but mainly the carbs. The bread, the pasta, the potatoes. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Anyway, I love food so watching a whole movie about food is heaven. This movie is also based around a woman (a writer) turning 30 and choosing to do something instead of sitting by idly. Hello?!?! Just passed the big 3-0 birthday and survived.
The biggest part of this movie that really got me was Julia's relationship with her husband and the non-existence of children in their lives. They had such an amazing, rich relationship that seemed to grow through the years. And watching her crying over her sister's news of being pregnant was like looking through a mirror. That has happened to me so many times I can't even count them. Of course, I have no sister, but I have so many close friends that I've watched get pregnant and have babies and then get pregnant again and have babies again while I sit aside and pray for the day that I can experience the same.
But for now I will enjoy my life with my wonderfully, sweet, handsome husband and not feel sorry for myself...like Julia would do. And we will continue adopting because Keith & I can give a wonderful home to a child or two or three or four. And I will continue to cook and eat as much as possible because it's fun. And I think I will read "My Life in France" for some Julia Child inspiration and for some writing inspiration. Because my plan for not sitting idly by is to continue in the amazing life I have, with a few minor additions.
It was perfect timing for me to see that movie. Anyone that knows me know that I am a major foodie. I look forward to each meal and only cease to eat when I am entirely stuffed and cannot move. The only thing I think about when I'm planning to meet friends is what we will eat. And not just the dessert, like most women, but mainly the carbs. The bread, the pasta, the potatoes. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Anyway, I love food so watching a whole movie about food is heaven. This movie is also based around a woman (a writer) turning 30 and choosing to do something instead of sitting by idly. Hello?!?! Just passed the big 3-0 birthday and survived.
The biggest part of this movie that really got me was Julia's relationship with her husband and the non-existence of children in their lives. They had such an amazing, rich relationship that seemed to grow through the years. And watching her crying over her sister's news of being pregnant was like looking through a mirror. That has happened to me so many times I can't even count them. Of course, I have no sister, but I have so many close friends that I've watched get pregnant and have babies and then get pregnant again and have babies again while I sit aside and pray for the day that I can experience the same.
But for now I will enjoy my life with my wonderfully, sweet, handsome husband and not feel sorry for myself...like Julia would do. And we will continue adopting because Keith & I can give a wonderful home to a child or two or three or four. And I will continue to cook and eat as much as possible because it's fun. And I think I will read "My Life in France" for some Julia Child inspiration and for some writing inspiration. Because my plan for not sitting idly by is to continue in the amazing life I have, with a few minor additions.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Two blogs, One night
I've got a lot on my mind tonight and no one to tell it to. So my blog gets the blessing/curse of my overactive brain. Over the last few days I've seen a lot of people that I haven't seen in years. So I guess I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. So here's just a few things I remember over my lifetime (in no particular order).
1. Keith proposing to me at Camp Caudle, where we both spent some wonderful years before and after we met
2. Singing with my friend, Jalynn
3. Practically living with Allyson when I was in beauty school
4. Hanging out at Johnny & Barbara Fowlkes' house
5. Sitting with Amber during church at Colony and laughing so hard that I snorted...during service
6. Meeting Jalynn for the first time and how she thought I was completely nuts for talking to a complete stranger
7. Riding the three-wheeler after church with Justin & Brittany
8. Living in the dorms at Beebe
9. Having my two best friends introduced to me at camp when I was fifteen...and hanging on to them for the last fourteen years through thick and thin
10. Eating breakfast at my grandma's...always chocolate gravy and biscuits
11. My Ya-ya singing to me and me running away
12. Wishing that I could hear her sing one more time (One day I will...)
13. Making a CD in Nashville (who cares that it was made at a booth in the mall)
14. Talking to Papa Carl & Arvie for hours after Thursday night Nucleo
15. Having Sandra to tell all of my teenage heartbreak too
16. Working at my first dental office
17. Going to see the Dixie Chicks with Allyson for my 20th birthday
18. My grandpa not letting us use his red hand towel because he thought we would get sick
19. My Ya-ya telling me that my mom was adopted (I didn't believe her)
20. Finally making the decision to adopt a baby
21. Running through Maria's field at the farm trying to find the end of a rainbow
22. Hiding in Maria's dorm during nightly room check
23. Spending New Year's Eve with Maria our senior year & convincing her that we were drinking alcohol (We weren't...it was club soda)
24. My Pop bringing home Hershey's Kisses every time he went to the store, because he knew they were my favorite
25. Getting Clorets gum from my Great Aunt Darlene during church
26. Breaking my arm on that dumb 'ol horse of Toot's
27. Singing as loud as I could in front my mirror...when I was 7 and now that I'm 30 too
28. Scott bringing Sarah food 3 times a week when she lived with us
29. Meeting Keith for the first time and thinking he was "at least 30"
30. My mom being determined that she would not walk with her cane at my high school graduation...and pulling it off with flying colors
31. Sleeping on my parents' water bed right in between them
32. My wedding day, the best and most relaxing day I've ever had
33. Ditching my senior prom date and hanging out at Maria's grandma's house instead
34. Meeting Keith's mom for the first time and knowing that she was the perfect mother-in-law for me
35. That first plane ride to Costa Rica and falling asleep on Papa Carl's shoulder
36. That stupid zip line in Costa Rica and crying my eyes out the whole time. Never again.
37. Realizing that I am exactly like my father and not all of that is a bad thing
38. Having Friday night dinner with my grandparents and their friends
39. Being baptized and Danny telling me afterwards that everyone on the church van was now a Christian
40. Having "coffee" with my grandpa and the other old men in Greers Ferry
Just a few things I thought of today. One for each year I've been on earth and an extra ten for good measure. Not all of them are good, but all of them are replayed in my head. Some of them hurt to think about and some make me laugh. But all of them are dear to me. I've made so many good friends, some of which I don't even see anymore for one reason or another. Some are still as dear to my heart now as they were in the beginning. And others have been called home, leaving us here to long for the day we will see them again.
1. Keith proposing to me at Camp Caudle, where we both spent some wonderful years before and after we met
2. Singing with my friend, Jalynn
3. Practically living with Allyson when I was in beauty school
4. Hanging out at Johnny & Barbara Fowlkes' house
5. Sitting with Amber during church at Colony and laughing so hard that I snorted...during service
6. Meeting Jalynn for the first time and how she thought I was completely nuts for talking to a complete stranger
7. Riding the three-wheeler after church with Justin & Brittany
8. Living in the dorms at Beebe
9. Having my two best friends introduced to me at camp when I was fifteen...and hanging on to them for the last fourteen years through thick and thin
10. Eating breakfast at my grandma's...always chocolate gravy and biscuits
11. My Ya-ya singing to me and me running away
12. Wishing that I could hear her sing one more time (One day I will...)
13. Making a CD in Nashville (who cares that it was made at a booth in the mall)
14. Talking to Papa Carl & Arvie for hours after Thursday night Nucleo
15. Having Sandra to tell all of my teenage heartbreak too
16. Working at my first dental office
17. Going to see the Dixie Chicks with Allyson for my 20th birthday
18. My grandpa not letting us use his red hand towel because he thought we would get sick
19. My Ya-ya telling me that my mom was adopted (I didn't believe her)
20. Finally making the decision to adopt a baby
21. Running through Maria's field at the farm trying to find the end of a rainbow
22. Hiding in Maria's dorm during nightly room check
23. Spending New Year's Eve with Maria our senior year & convincing her that we were drinking alcohol (We weren't...it was club soda)
24. My Pop bringing home Hershey's Kisses every time he went to the store, because he knew they were my favorite
25. Getting Clorets gum from my Great Aunt Darlene during church
26. Breaking my arm on that dumb 'ol horse of Toot's
27. Singing as loud as I could in front my mirror...when I was 7 and now that I'm 30 too
28. Scott bringing Sarah food 3 times a week when she lived with us
29. Meeting Keith for the first time and thinking he was "at least 30"
30. My mom being determined that she would not walk with her cane at my high school graduation...and pulling it off with flying colors
31. Sleeping on my parents' water bed right in between them
32. My wedding day, the best and most relaxing day I've ever had
33. Ditching my senior prom date and hanging out at Maria's grandma's house instead
34. Meeting Keith's mom for the first time and knowing that she was the perfect mother-in-law for me
35. That first plane ride to Costa Rica and falling asleep on Papa Carl's shoulder
36. That stupid zip line in Costa Rica and crying my eyes out the whole time. Never again.
37. Realizing that I am exactly like my father and not all of that is a bad thing
38. Having Friday night dinner with my grandparents and their friends
39. Being baptized and Danny telling me afterwards that everyone on the church van was now a Christian
40. Having "coffee" with my grandpa and the other old men in Greers Ferry
Just a few things I thought of today. One for each year I've been on earth and an extra ten for good measure. Not all of them are good, but all of them are replayed in my head. Some of them hurt to think about and some make me laugh. But all of them are dear to me. I've made so many good friends, some of which I don't even see anymore for one reason or another. Some are still as dear to my heart now as they were in the beginning. And others have been called home, leaving us here to long for the day we will see them again.
My hubby in CR
Sometimes I get caught up in what my husband does wrong and forget everything that he does that's wonderful. Yea, sounds a little cheesy but that's how I feel today. Keith has been gone since Friday on a mission trip to Costa Rica. I started going there when I was 20 and Keith started about 5 years ago. Last year was the first time I have been without him, since we met. I managed fine but would have rather had him there. This year is the first time he's been without me. He called tonight and said, "I never want to come here without you again". He's having a rough time this year. He is teaching an English class this year and said that it is really difficult. Luckily, he is getting some help from a precious girl. I just hate that I can't be there with them. I didn't think it would be so hard being here while they were gone, but I was terribly wrong. I hate being without my husband for more than a couple of nights. And I also hate that he is having a tough time and I'm not there for him. He sounded so discouraged over the phone. And we all know that Keith does not get discouraged very easily. Even when he does, he recovers quickly because he is the master of all. He is so gifted with people skills and understanding that he excels in everything. I'm just sad that he's having difficulties. But I know that by the end of the week, he will have great stories of what he's accomplished. And that makes me a very proud wife.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Bachelorette for a Week
Well, my hubby is gone for a week. He left on Friday for Costa Rica, without me. Due to some things I can't control, it wasn't looking possible for me to go this year. So I'm stuck at home while my other half is working in CR for the week. This year he is teaching English classes and a men's seminar. And he is taking care of the four women he went with, one of which is his mother. I'm proud of him for stepping up and taking the group, but I'm sad that I'm not with them. I'm also sad that he's gone for a week. Luckily, my friend is staying here so I'm not too lonely without him. I'm just ready for him to come home. Six more days...
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thirty...the start of my 4th decade
Well, my dreaded 30th birthday came and went without a mental breakdown, so I think I'm doing pretty good. I had been mourning this day since my 29th birthday and tried to think of something awesome to do on that day so I would have something to look forward to. However, I'm poor and couldn't think of anything that didn't cost at least a thousand dollars. So I just went to work instead and was pleasantly surprised. I had a present waiting on me (something I had been looking for) and lots of messages from my co-workers. I also got cake, the best part about a birthday. My boss took us out to lunch. So all-in-all, a pretty good day filled with silliness and jokes. Then on my way home, I glance over at my friend's house and she had put out a huge birthday sign for me. I got to spend the evening at Bible study and dinner with more friends, one of whom shares a birthday with me (he's three years younger though). So I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't have an utterly horrible day. And SURPRISE...the world didn't come to an end because I turned 30!
I've been stuck on this kick for a while that I hadn't done what I planned on doing before turning 30. Then suddenly I realized that I was looking at it wrong. Maybe I hadn't carried out my original plans but I have done so much more. I married a wonderful, sweet person whose family I love. I maintained friendships with my oldest friends and developed new ones. I actually figured out what I want to do with my life...which is a massive deal for me. Maybe the things that I had planned 10 years ago aren't so relevant anymore. And maybe some of them will be best achieved in this decade, as an older and more responsible person. Either way, I'm okay with turning 30.
Forty, however, my be another story...but I've got ten years to work on that issue.
I've been stuck on this kick for a while that I hadn't done what I planned on doing before turning 30. Then suddenly I realized that I was looking at it wrong. Maybe I hadn't carried out my original plans but I have done so much more. I married a wonderful, sweet person whose family I love. I maintained friendships with my oldest friends and developed new ones. I actually figured out what I want to do with my life...which is a massive deal for me. Maybe the things that I had planned 10 years ago aren't so relevant anymore. And maybe some of them will be best achieved in this decade, as an older and more responsible person. Either way, I'm okay with turning 30.
Forty, however, my be another story...but I've got ten years to work on that issue.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Stinky Times
My best red-head started her first blog ever and I realized that I haven't even worked on mine in over a year. Wow. How crazy is it that the person who daydreams all day long can't put pen to paper (or words on a screen)? So here's my life update.
My work life has changed tremendously. I now work at an amazing office with people I love. It helps that one of my best friends works with me but I also have a whole office of wonderful people. People that will pee themselves laughing when you do something stupid but those same people will cry with you when something tragic happens. It's wonderful being in such a great place.
My home life has changed a little too. My sweet, handsome hubby and I are better than ever. And that leads to the next pending change. We have decided to finally start the adoption process! We are excited and thrilled beyond belief. It will be a work-in-process for quite some time but we know it will be worth it. We absolutely cannot wait to have our first sweet baby in the house. We've waited for this for such a long time. Everyone says we'll get pregnant as soon as we get that baby, and that's okay with us.
My gorgeous niece is now seven years old. I cannot believe she is that old...and big. She is going to be as big as me in another year or two. All of our friends' kids are getting bigger and funnier too. I love watching them grow up.
As for my projects, I'm still working on my children's books about my baby Stinky dog. He's the coolest dog and I love writing about him. Everyone loves him and I can't wait to have Stinky books for my friends' children. My best red-head is going to work on some illustrations for it too. My office is also working on my preliminary stuff to start a dental assisting school, of which I would be an instructor. We're trying to do research right now but maybe by this time next year, it will be up and running.
Due to some scheduling conflicts, I'm not going to Costa Rica this year. Keith is going though. He & his mom are heading up a group of six from Arkansas to do a VBS and English classes. I know they will do great things. We are both planning on going next year, based on how our pending adoption goes.
That's all that's going on right now. I'll try to update this a little more often in the coming months. I'm sure as soon as we get our little Moore, I'll be updating like crazy!
My work life has changed tremendously. I now work at an amazing office with people I love. It helps that one of my best friends works with me but I also have a whole office of wonderful people. People that will pee themselves laughing when you do something stupid but those same people will cry with you when something tragic happens. It's wonderful being in such a great place.
My home life has changed a little too. My sweet, handsome hubby and I are better than ever. And that leads to the next pending change. We have decided to finally start the adoption process! We are excited and thrilled beyond belief. It will be a work-in-process for quite some time but we know it will be worth it. We absolutely cannot wait to have our first sweet baby in the house. We've waited for this for such a long time. Everyone says we'll get pregnant as soon as we get that baby, and that's okay with us.
My gorgeous niece is now seven years old. I cannot believe she is that old...and big. She is going to be as big as me in another year or two. All of our friends' kids are getting bigger and funnier too. I love watching them grow up.
As for my projects, I'm still working on my children's books about my baby Stinky dog. He's the coolest dog and I love writing about him. Everyone loves him and I can't wait to have Stinky books for my friends' children. My best red-head is going to work on some illustrations for it too. My office is also working on my preliminary stuff to start a dental assisting school, of which I would be an instructor. We're trying to do research right now but maybe by this time next year, it will be up and running.
Due to some scheduling conflicts, I'm not going to Costa Rica this year. Keith is going though. He & his mom are heading up a group of six from Arkansas to do a VBS and English classes. I know they will do great things. We are both planning on going next year, based on how our pending adoption goes.
That's all that's going on right now. I'll try to update this a little more often in the coming months. I'm sure as soon as we get our little Moore, I'll be updating like crazy!
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